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How Many Kids I Have? (Quiz)


There was someone I knew who decided she wanted to have four children because she joked that, “One and the child will be lonely, two and there’s going to be too many fights, three is an odd number and so four will be perfect.” This really got me thinking about how many of us also have certain ideas in our minds on how the future is going to be. But life also has its own way of creeping upon us and giving us surprises.

While children sound fun, all of us who do have children know the responsibility that comes with a child. The innocence and their toothless smiles will subsequently change into adolescent tantrums that are all part of the parenthood experience. Having children is a life decision we make after thinking through and sometimes it may be just the blessing we’re looking for. For some, it may be a surprise that rearranges life in many ways. Having a household of children makes the liveliest and happiest homes. But it may also mean less alone time and no more hiking across the Appalachians. Financial and emotional bandwidth is also extremely necessary to bring up kids in a relaxed and protected environment. There is no right and wrong here as it all comes down to family-level decisions.

To those of us who may be living carefree lives right now and only want a wishful peek into the future but none of the responsibility, we have just the right solution for you. And to all those who are ready for the responsibility too, here’s a quiz to go through all the factors that will affect your decision.

So if you ever have thought to yourself, “Oh… I really wonder how many kids will I have?”, here is a fun quiz from us to you.

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