If you’ve been trying to have a baby but have had no luck so far, you’re probably wondering when you should seek medical help for infertility. There are many potential reasons why you have not become pregnant yet, so don’t panic. Here are some factors to consider when wondering if you should seek help for infertility:
Your age
A woman’s reproductive system changes as she ages. The older she gets, the lower her chance of fertility and a healthy pregnancy. Women are most fertile in their twenties and become less fertile in their mid-thirties. After age 40, women have a much smaller chance of becoming pregnant. Depending on your age, you should not wait to seek fertility assistance as putting this off can reduce your chances even further. Most women under age 35 can become pregnant within a year of first trying. If you have passed this milestone, consider seeing your primary physician.
“Most women under 35 become pregnant within a year.”
Your menstrual and reproductive history
Your period can offer telling signs why you are not becoming pregnant. For example, women with a history of erratic periods or times when they didn’t have a period may have trouble getting pregnant. Women with hormonal disorders like thyroid disease or who have pituitary tumors or hyperprolactinemia may also have fertility issues. Those who have had abdominal or gynecological surgery or sexually transmitted diseases may also experience a delay in becoming pregnant. Some women learn through regular visits to the gynecologist that their reproductive organs have structural abnormalities, such as a twisted or tilted uterus. This, too, can affect your ability to become pregnant naturally. It’s important to consider all of this information as well as any past pregnancies or abortions and present all of this to a fertility specialist if you are concerned about becoming pregnant.

Past medical and recreational drug use
Many people don’t think about their future children when partaking in recreational drug use or taking pharmaceutical drugs. According to Baby Med, tobacco, for instance, has the potential to impair sperm’s ability to move, which is crucial in bringing the sperm to the egg. Marijuana, steroids and heroine might alter hormone production in men, reducing their fertility levels. Excessive alcohol use can also cause issues such as erectile dysfunction and trouble ejaculating.
Medicines, both prescription and over the counter, may also affect your potential to become pregnant and your partner’s ability to fertilize your eggs. Talk to your doctor about any medications you have taken, from an Advil a day to antidepressants 10 years ago. Blood pressure medications, tranquilizers and drugs that address thyroid issues may also prove problematic. Newer drugs are made with protecting fertility in mind, but some older varieties could cause fertility delays or even infertility.
Your partner’s health
There is definitely a chance that you’re not the reason why you’re not becoming pregnant – it could be the man’s reproductive system that is slowing you down. Men may have infertility or a lowered chance of being able to impregnate someone if they have low-quality sperm, for example. Because it is much easier and less costly to test semen than it is to access and examine eggs, it’s important to check your male partner’s reproductive potential before panicking about your ability to get pregnant.
It’s important to note that costly fertility treatments like in​ vitro fertilization are not the only option. You may talk to your doctor and find out that a few lifestyle changes can greatly improve your chances at becoming pregnant. Many partners today go to their regular physicians for a physical when they decide to start trying to have a baby. This way, they can discuss potential road blocks and know they’re fit and healthy to begin their journey as a family.