As a mother, you’re going to want to make sure you are armed with all of the necessary tools to take care of your little bundle of joy. Since you’re having a baby shower, now is the time to do your baby registry. Here are our top 10 baby shower gifts:
1. Car seat
It may be hard to imagine now, but sooner or later you’re going to be carting your infant all over town. That means you’re going to need to find the best car seat for your vehicle. There are plenty of options to choose from, including kinds that are attached to a stroller and some that face front or back.
2. Breast pump
It doesn’t matter if you plan on breast feeding your baby the majority of the time; this little tool will definitely come in handy. This allows you to pump out breast milk and feed it to your little one at a later point. It’s especially convenient if you’ll be leaving your baby with someone else for a bit of time or if you don’t want to breast feed in public.
3. Diapers
You’ve heard it here first: You can never have enough diapers. You’re going to be amazed at how fast your little one uses them. Typically, a newborn goes through about 10 diapers a day during the first month! Trust us on this; it’s in your best interest to add as many as you can to your registry.
4. Swaddle blanket
Not all babies are the same, but odds are your little one is eventually going to have trouble sleeping. That’s where the swaddle blanket comes in. This mimics the mother’s womb, so it gets your newborn all comfortable, and before you know it, he or she will be snoozing.

5. Baby monitor
You’re not going to be able to spend every second in your infant’s room, but that doesn’t mean you can’t keep an eye on him or her. With a baby monitor, you can hear all of the things that are going on in the nursery; some monitors even show visuals.
6. Baby swing
Everyone knows that babies like to be rocked. However, you’re going to need to free up your hands at some point. With a baby swing, you can keep your baby in motion while you do other things. Some models even have lights or decorations to keep your little one busy when he or she is awake.
7. Baby books
Over time, your little one is going to get used to a bedtime routine, and what’s better than reading your infant a book? Ask for some of the classics like “Goodnight Moon,” “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” and “Guess How Much I Love You.”
8. Bath
You’re going to need to clean your little one, and your adult-sized shower just won’t cut it. A baby bath to fit in the tub or the sink will do the trick for bathtime.
9. Teething rings
Before you know it, your baby will growing in his or her first set of teeth. Since this can be a painful time, teething rings can help soothe your little one’s gums.
10. Pacifiers
Just like diapers, you can never have too many pacifiers. You’re going to be surprised at how many of these little things you lose. Make sure to stock up so you can keep them in just about every bag you own. They’re going to be your best friend.