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8 Things to Know About Your Libra Child


If your baby was born between September 23rd and October 22nd, her astrological sign is Libra. From being incredibly social to musically gifted, there’s a lot about these autumnal babies that you’ll love as their mama!

1. Libras Can Be Indecisive

Libras are born under the sign of indecision. Your little one will be slow to choose whether she wants carrots or apples–she knows both are great, so how can she possibly decide? Be supportive and let her weigh all options; it may take longer for your child to make a decision but if you aren’t rushing them, they’ll know they’re doing the right thing when they finally do!

2. They’re the Life of the Party

Libras thrive on being the center of attention. They have an innate sense of humor and want to be sociable, so they will probably make for a fun child to be around. As their parent you need to help them understand when it is time to reign in his bubbliness; sometimes Libra can get caught up in moments and miss social cues from others.

3. Librans are Peacekeepers

Your little Libra is the ultimate mediator. Their ability to weigh both sides of an argument without choosing means they are able to see all perspectives, which makes them a great peace keeper on playgrounds and homefront alike. Since he’s so easily able to see the right and wrong on each side it makes him extremely uncomfortable around true conflict, which is why you should be extra careful to show your Libra that everything is ok after even an occasional disagreement with a spouse.

4. Music is in Their Souls

Is your Libra baby having an epic cry and you have no idea how to soothe him? Turn on some tunes, grab a microphone, and start singing with them. Libras tend to feel music more than others- they’re the type of people who will sing along in their car or at parties even if nobody else is joining in! As he ages he’ll likely show interest in instruments (or three!), but for now it’s important that we help nurture his interests by enthusiastically listening through his jams even if its hard on the ears – don’t worry, Libras are quick learners!

5. They’re Generous to a Fault

When Libra first wants to express her feelings, she’ll give the shirt off her back. She is generous and kind hearted with a deep desire for happiness in everyone around them. Keep your eye on their most precious belongings because they won’t bat an eye at giving it all away just to see some people smile! Don’t discourage this nature of theirs but rather guide them towards how you want that generosity expressed 🙂

6. Time Management is an Issue

A Libra is not lazy or rude. They are just so into playing and socializing that time gets away from them. Libras have a tendency to not appreciate how long it takes to do something; help him understand this by giving tips on getting ready before an appointment, like starting 10 minutes beforehand instead of waiting until the last minute. You want your child to learn that being on time is important? Make sure they understand this early in their life by giving them consequences when they’re late.

7. They Crave Companionship

One of the reasons that she is so social and great at conversations stems from her desire to never be alone. She would much rather do anything than play by herself. Help them overcome this by taking them out, signing up for activities they’re interested in such as dance or sports, and encouraging volunteering when their older! You will need to talk to her often about being safe around strangers, though–her desire for acceptance and love can override her “stranger danger” sometimes. Helping her develop an inner voice that guides herself toward safety is the best way she’ll be able to overcome this issue.

8. They’re Great Conversationalists

A Libra baby will watch intently as you form sounds and words, cooing enthusiastically. Conversations are what help a Libra find her way in the world; communication is important to them! As your child grows up they’ll be quite talkative because conversations stimulate their thinking process. So make sure that anytime your little one needs it–talk with him or her so they can come up with their own ideas.

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