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Most Popular Japanese Boy Names


A name of Japanese origin could be a great choice for anyone, particularly if your family is among the 1.3 million Japanese Americans, or you’re just interested in Japanese culture and its customs. Take a look at this list of names that trace their roots to Japan, and are currently popular among American parents.

Raiden (pronounced REYE-den) is a top pick, and a strong one: it refers to the mythological Japanese god of thunder and lightning. Asa (AS-a) refers to being born in the morning and is especially popular in Scandinavian countries. Aizen is a fun one; pronounced eye-ZEN, it’s the Buddhist deity considered the god of love.

Scroll through this list of popular Japanese boys’ names if you’re still looking for the perfect name. You’ll definitely also want to check out our list of the top 100 boys’ names across all cultures. If you’re not sure of your baby’s sex, you might want to take a peek at this list of the top Japanese names for girls.

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