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Most Popular Gaelic Boy Names


Gaelic names come from the Gaelic languages used historically and currently in Ireland and Scotland. If you’re one of the many Americans who claims Irish or Scottish heritage, you might want to explore names with Gaelic origins.

A popular Gaelic name for boys is Kaden, also spelled Caden or Caiden. Heard less frequently but also popular is Donovan, which means ‘dark-haired leader’ or ‘chief.’ More unusual but still popular are Kade, Ronin, Grady, and Kellan. What do you think, is one of these the name for your baby boy?

If you’re still on the hunt, take a look through the list; there are plenty of Gaelic names to choose from. Or take a look at our list of the top 100 baby boy names currently being used in the United States, from all origins. Keep looking and you’re sure to find a name you love!

AbbanBoyIrish, Gaelic, CelticMeaning of Abban
AbboidBoyGaelic, IrishMeaning of Abboid
AbrachamBoyIrish, Gaelic, CelticMeaning of Abracham
AeronBoyGaelic, Celtic, IrishMeaning of Aeron
AherinBoyGaelic, IrishMeaning of Aherin
AherneBoyGaelic, IrishMeaning of Aherne
AidanBoyGaelic, Celtic, ArabicMeaning of Aidan
AideenBoyGaelic, Celtic, IrishMeaning of Aideen
AilbeBoyCeltic, Gaelic, IrishMeaning of Ailbe
AilenBoyGaelic, IrishMeaning of Ailen
AindreasBoyGaelic, Celtic, IrishMeaning of Aindreas
AirdsgainneBoyGaelic, IrishMeaning of Airdsgainne
AiydenBoyCeltic, Irish, GaelicMeaning of Aiyden
AlaiBoyGaelic, IrishMeaning of Alai
AlanBoyCeltic, Irish, GaelicMeaning of Alan
AlasdairBoyIrish, Gaelic, CelticMeaning of Alasdair
AlasterBoyCeltic, Irish, GaelicMeaning of Alaster
AlenBoyCeltic, Irish, GaelicMeaning of Alen
AlfieBoyIrish, Gaelic, CelticMeaning of Alfie
AllanBoyGaelic, Irish, CelticMeaning of Allan
AllenBoyGaelic, Celtic, IrishMeaning of Allen
AllonBoyCeltic, Irish, GaelicMeaning of Allon
AmhlaoibhBoyIrish, Gaelic, CelticMeaning of Amhlaoibh
AneurinBoyGaelic, Celtic, IrishMeaning of Aneurin
AngusBoyGaelic, Celtic, IrishMeaning of Angus
AnnanBoyGaelic, Celtic, ArabicMeaning of Annan
AodhBoyGaelic, Celtic, IrishMeaning of Aodh
AodhaganBoyCeltic, Irish, GaelicMeaning of Aodhagan
AodhanBoyCeltic, Irish, GaelicMeaning of Aodhan
AodhhanBoyGaelic, IrishMeaning of Aodhhan
AonghasBoyGaelic, Celtic, IrishMeaning of Aonghas
AonghusBoyCeltic, Irish, GaelicMeaning of Aonghus
arceBoyGaelic, IrishMeaning of arce
ArtairBoyIrish, Gaelic, CelticMeaning of Artair
ArthekBoyCeltic, Irish, GaelicMeaning of Arthek
ArtherBoyIrish, Gaelic, CelticMeaning of Arther
ArtursBoyIrish, Gaelic, CelticMeaning of Arturs
ArzhurBoyCeltic, Irish, GaelicMeaning of Arzhur
AtrusBoyIrish, Gaelic, CelticMeaning of Atrus
AtyBoyGaelic, Celtic, IrishMeaning of Aty
AutherBoyIrish, Gaelic, CelticMeaning of Auther
AuthorBoyIrish, Gaelic, CelticMeaning of Author
AvonBoyIrish, Gaelic, CelticMeaning of Avon
AydanBoyCeltic, Irish, GaelicMeaning of Aydan
AydennBoyIrish, Gaelic, CelticMeaning of Aydenn
AyrtonBoyIrish, Gaelic, CelticMeaning of Ayrton
BacstairBoyGaelic, IrishMeaning of Bacstair
BailefourBoyGaelic, IrishMeaning of Bailefour
BaileyBoyIrish, Gaelic, CelticMeaning of Bailey
BaillidhBoyGaelic, IrishMeaning of Baillidh

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